Vitamin- D is "D- lightful "

Vitamin D has been having quite a moment recently on the news, this has something to do with the growing evidence that the "Sunshine Vitamin" helps protect against a wide range of conditions, including cancers.

5 Healthy Foods That Satisfy Salt and Sugar Cravings

Healthy Foods That Satisfy Salt And Sugar Carvings

Mediterranean Diet May Be Good For The Brain

A Mediterranean diet includes higher amounts of olive oil, vegetables, fruit and fish. Higher adherence to the diet involves more consumption of fruit and vegetables and fish, and less consumption of meat and dairy products.

Amazing Health Benefits Of Beer..!

Apart from Beer's bad reputation, surprisingly Beer has several health benefits too, it actually has a lot of antioxidants, apparently more than wine, also several vitamins that can help prevent certain heart diseases and even help in rebuilding muscles, not only that it also has one of the highest energy contents of any food or drink.

Dark Chocolate's benefits are released by the good gut microbes

Dark chocolate has been know for it's good healthy effects, and recently researches have found it's beneficial properties are released in the human body.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

7 simple tips that will help you lose weight

simple tricks that will help you loose weight now
There are a lot of diet plans available now, and it has become really difficult to choose one out of them. Going for a low-calorie diet can be trouble as if you reduce your calorie intake too much, you might start feeling tired and irritable.

So it is important to continue taking the required amount of calories/day, to keep your energy going through out the day. In order to lose weight many physicians recommend you to lower your calorie intake and exercise regularly, but whats important here is, that it's not only about the quantity of calorie intake but also the quality of calories.
And this doesn't have to be complicated at all, we just need to exclude some bad calorie choices from our diet.

1. Eat Apples before Every Meal : 
Eating apples before meal might help you loose weight

For loosing weight try eating an apple before each meal. Since it takes about 20 minutes to realize that you’re not as hungry as you were before eating, you should eat the apple at least that many minutes before you plan to have a meal. One medium-size apple with skin has approximately 100 calories, so eating one doesn’t add much to your caloric intake.

Apples have no fat, sodium, or cholesterol, and they are rich in vitamin C and dietary fiber. Lots of varieties exist, and each of them offers a unique quality of flavor and crispness.

2. Don't Drink Calories : 

Some beverages other than water contains a lot of calories, and depending upon how much you consume them in a day, you might be taking in more calories from them throughout the whole day, so it is very important to know the amount of calories your favorite beverage contains, specially if you are planning on loosing some weight.
Few of them are as follows:
Don't Drink your calories- 12 ounces (350ml) of Orange juice has about 160 calories.

-A cup of coffee with half-and-half and sugar for breakfast has about 90 calories.

-Medium cafe latte has about 250 calories.

-Large soda with lunch 300 calories

-Beer or a glass of wine during dinner about 150 calories.

If you add all this up throughout a day, just imagine how much calories you are getting just from the beverages you drink.

3. Avoid White carbohydrates : 
Avoid white carbohydrates
Most of these White carbohydrates are processed to the point that they have lost much of their nutritional value.Bread, rice, pasta, cereal, crackers, and bread crumbs made from white flour have been linked to an increased risk of obesity when excessive amounts are ingested. Eating white carbohydrates on occasion is not a bad thing, as long as it is done in moderation.

The human body needs a certain amount of good carbohydrates to function properly. However, it is healthier for people to eat simplecarbohydrates rather than those found in foods made from white flour.

Simple carbohydrates include vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and legumes. Eating simple carbs and foods made from unrefined flour will keep you feeling full longer, helping you to limit your caloric intake.

4. Drink a lot of water : 
Drink a lot of water helps reduce weight

You should drink about eight to ten 8 ounce glasses (230ml) of water each day.

It might sound like a lot, but drinking that much water each day can boost your body’s metabolism, which helps you to burn more calories each day whether or not you exercise.

5.Eat only Lean Proteins : 
Eat only lean proteins helps you loose weight

It is necessary to understand the importance of lean proteins when trying to lose weight, While sources of lean protein (meat, fish, beans, and dairy products) might have a higher calorie count than fruits and vegetables, they are an important part of losing weight.

Eating lean protein allows you to feel full longer than you would if you ate an orange or handful of raw snow peas. This is because protein remains in the stomach longer than most fruits and vegetables.

From the moment you eat it, protein begins to help you to lose weight. It takes longer to digestand metabolize protein, so your body uses more energy and calories to do so. Lean protein sources allow you to avoid the extra calories that are found in animal fats, so you should choose skinless chicken or turkey, lean cuts of beef, and pork tenderloin.

6. Include more Vegetables to your Diet : 
Include more vegetables to your diet

Fresh, unprocessed vegetables are low in cholesterol, salt, and fat. Choosing fresh vegetables is better than selecting frozen or canned versions that might have added salt in them, and since they are so low in calories, you can eat as many vegetables as you want as long as you do not add butter, dressings, or sauces.

Not only can a diet rich in vegetables help you to lose weight, but it also provides lots of nutrients.These nutrients include vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium, and folic acid.

7. Exercise Several Times a Week :
Exercise several times weekly and regularlyOf-course we all know, in order to lose weight it is necessary to exercise several times weekly, but now that we have know about our food intake, exercising would be more effective.

Each time you exercise, will burn more calories, hence helps you lose weight faster, you should find time to participate in a regular physical activity for at-least 30-minutes a day, and if you can't find a block of 30-minutes straight, you can always break your routine into a 10 minutes session each.

Friday, April 4, 2014

5 Healthy Foods That Satisfy Salt and Sugar Cravings

Healthy Foods That Satisfy Salt And Sugar Carvings

1.Sunflower seeds :

The sunflower is one of my favorite flowers, and its plentiful seeds are packed with health benefits that can help you from head to toe. They’re easily available all year round, and just a scant handful of them can mean dramatic improvement in the way you feel.
Benefits of sunflower seeds
Here’s a short list of what they can do for you:

-They control cell damage, thus playing a role in preventing cancer. This is because sunflower seeds are a good source of selenium, which is a proven enemy of cancer.
-They contain bone-healthy minerals. Besides calcium, your bones need magnesium and copper to stay strong. Sunflower seeds have both these minerals. As a bonus, they also contain Vitamin E, which helps ease arthritic pain.
-They keep you calm. Yes! The magnesium in sunflower seeds is reputed for soothing the nerves, thus easing away stress, migraines and helping you relax.
-They bring a glow to your skin. The star in this role: Vitamin E again, which combats UV rays and keeps skin youthful.
-They ease every condition that’s inflammatory in nature, such as joint pain, gastric ulcers, skin eruptions, asthma and such. That’s because sunflower seeds are loaded with antioxidants.
Just ¼ cup of sunflower seeds a day can keep heart troubles away. These small seeds disallow ‘bad’ cholesterol from sticking to the walls of your arteries, thus preventing heart attacks.

Plain Yogurt with fresh fruits
2. Plain Yogurt with fresh fruits :
It has less fat than ice cream but five grams of filling protein per serving. Fruit gives it more flavor, texture, and vitamins.It can also help you lose weight and fend off a cold.
Most brands of yogurt contain good-for-you bacteria, also yogurt helps you recover faster after a workout.
Recommended - 1 1/2 cups / day.

3. Dark Chocolate :
Benefits of Dark Chocolate
Just a small portion of this antioxidant-filled treat satisfies a sweet tooth, plus it has got a lot of health benefits, like :

- Dark chocolate improves blood flow and and helps lower blood pressure and protects from clot formation.

-Dark chocolate is good for your brain, as it increases the blood flow to the brain and hence helps decrease the risk of stroke, it also has slight amount of caffeine in it, which acts as a mild stimulant.

-Dark Chocolate is loaded with antioxidants, which helps decreasing the aging process and also protects us from different types of cancer.

Recommended-1 oz dark chocolate with 65 percent (or more) cacao

4. Pistachios :

Benefits of Pistachios

They satisfy a salt craving while delivering more natural antioxidants than most other nuts, also contains a lot of vitamins like vitamin E, A, C and minerals like Copper, Magnesium, Iron, Phosphorus, Zinc. Plus, the shells will slow you down.

Recommended - about 30 in-shell nuts/ day

5.Mini Whole-Wheat Pretzels:

Mini Whole-Wheat Pretzels is packed with fibers
Crunchy and packed with fiber to keep you fuller longer, so you won't reach for a higher-calorie food.

Recommended : 1 oz pretzels (about a handful)

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Seven Women's Diseases that men can have.

women's disease that even men can have

As we know there are variation's in genes, anatomy and hormone levels between men and women, so there are some diseases that attack women more than men and  vice-versa. However, thinking of diseases that women are more prone to as so-called "women's diseases" can leave men vulnerable to serious health problems.

Here are seven so-called "women's diseases" that can also strike men. If you experience symptoms, don't let your gender stop you from getting treatment.

1. Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis in menOsteoporosis reduces the density of bone, making it more vulnerable to fractures. One in three women are at risk, but so are one in five men. Women experience rapid bone loss following menopause, but by 65 to 70 years old, men lose bone mass at about the same rate.

Kidney and thyroid problems, vitamin D deficiency, and prolonged exposure to steroids, cancer therapies, and anti-convulsants put you more at risk. You may not have symptoms, so ask your doctor for a bone density test.

2. Breast Cancer

breast cancer in men

Women get breast cancer more often than men because they have more breast tissue. Although only about one percent of all breast cancers affect men, research shows that incidence is on the rise. Men rarely heed the warning signs, so the cancer is allowed to develop. Therefore, men typically don't survive as long as women once a diagnosis is finally made.

If you're over 50, of African-American descent, or obese, you're more at risk. Watch for any unusual lumps or skin abnormalities in the chest.

3. Thyroid Problems

thyroid diseases in men

The thyroid is a small gland that rests in the middle of the lower neck, where it produces hormones to control metabolism. If it produces too much, hyperthyroidism results. Symptoms include:

weight gain
dry, coarse skin and hair

If the thyroid doesn’t produce enough hormones, hypothyroidism results. Symptoms include:

muscle weakness
sleep disturbances

Women are five to eight times more likely to have some form of thyroid disease than men, but men can still be affected.

4. Eating Disorders.

eating disorders in men

As more men feel the pressure to be thin and look good, more are falling victim to eating disorders. Only 10 to 15 percent of people with anorexia or bulimia are male, but the effects can be equally devastating. Men also are less likely to seek treatment, leaving them more at risk for complications such as:

heart problems
bone loss
organ failure

Athletes, obese boys, men with gender issues, and those who are anxious or have perfectionist personalities are more at risk.

5. Bladder Infections

bladder infection in men

Bladder infections are much more common in women, but men can get them, too— particularly men with an enlarged prostate, kidney stones, or an abnormal narrowing of the urethra. Treatment involves antibiotics and is typically very effective, but men need to be aware of the symptoms.

They include:

-frequent urination
-cloudy urine or bloody urine
-a strong urge to urinate
-a burning or tingling sensation during urination
-low-grade fever

6. Depression

depression and alcoholism in men

Women are two times more likely than men to be diagnosed with depression, but that may be because their symptoms are different. Women may feel sad and cry more often, whereas men are more likely to show anger, irritation, frustration, and discouragement.

Men may turn to drugs or alcohol, or engage in risky behavior. They are also more likely to complete suicide if they try it. Because of these differences, many men go undiagnosed. Without treatment, depression is likely to worsen.

7. Lupus

Lupus erythmatosus in men

About 90 percent of those diagnosed with lupus are women, but this autoimmune disorder can also strike men. Symptoms include:

-joint swelling and pain
-muscle weakness
-extreme fatigue
-unexplained fever
-hair loss
-leg swelling
-eye puffiness
-mouth sores
-swollen glands
-butterfly-shaped red rash across the bridge of the nose and cheeks

The disease is treated similarly in both genders. Your doctor may overlook it because it is rare in men. If you have symptoms, ask for testing.

Stay safe, stay healthy. )

How to Kick the Junk Food Habit and Eat Healthy

learn how to kick the junk food habit and start eating healthy
Kick the junk food habit !
In my previous post, i discussed about What happens to our brain when we eat junk food, and why we crave for it. Now, the question that we face is, what can we do about it? how can we avoid our junk food habit?

Well, the good news is according to researchers less junk food you eat, the less you crave it.

So,If you can find ways to gradually eat healthier, you'll start to experience the cravings of junk food less and less. There are 3 strategies that James Clear posted in his blog.
1. Use the "outer ring" strategy and the "5 ingredient rule" to buy healthier food.

The best course of action is to avoid buying processed and packaged foods. If you don't own it, you can't eat it. Furthermore, if you don't think about it, you can't be lured by it.

We've talked about the power of junk food to pull you in and how memories of tasty food in the past can cause you to crave more of it in the future. Obviously, you can't prevent yourself from ever thinking about junk food, but there are ways to reduce your cravings.

First, you can use "outer ring" strategy to avoid processed and packaged foods at the grocery store. If you limit yourself to purchasing foods that are on the outer ring of the store, then you will generally buy whole foods (fruits, vegetables, meat, eggs, etc.). Not everything on the outer ring is healthy, but you will avoid a lot of unhealthy foods.

You can also follow the "5 ingredient rule" when buying foods at the store. If something has more than 5 ingredients in it, don't buy it. Odds are, it has been designed to fool you into eating more of it. Avoid those products and stick with the more natural options.

2. Eat a variety of foods.

While you may not be able to replicate the crunchy/creamy contrast of an Oreo, you can vary your diet enough to keep things interesting. For example, you could dip a carrot (crunchy) in some hummus (creamy) and get a novel sensation. Similarly, finding ways to add new spices and flavors to your dishes can make eating healthy foods a more desirable experience.

3. Find a better way to deal with your stress.

There's a reason why many people eat as a way to cope with stress. Stress causes certain regions of the brain to release chemicals (specifically, opiates and neuropeptide Y). These chemicals can trigger mechanisms that are similar to the cravings you get from fat and sugar. In other words, when you get stressed, your brain feels the addictive call of fat and sugar and you're pulled back to junk food.

We all have stressful situations that arise in our lives. Learning to deal with stress in a different way can help you overcome the addictive pull of junk food. This could include simple breathing techniques or a short guided meditation. Or something more physical like exercise or making art.
Moral of the story: Eating healthy doesn't have to be bland. Mix up your foods to get different sensations and you may find it easier than eating the same foods over and over again. (At some point, however, you may have to fall in love with boredom.)

See also : Why do we carve for JUNK food and how does it affect our brain