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Showing posts with label Seven Women's Diseases that men can have.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Seven Women's Diseases that men can have.. Show all posts

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Seven Women's Diseases that men can have.

women's disease that even men can have

As we know there are variation's in genes, anatomy and hormone levels between men and women, so there are some diseases that attack women more than men and  vice-versa. However, thinking of diseases that women are more prone to as so-called "women's diseases" can leave men vulnerable to serious health problems.

Here are seven so-called "women's diseases" that can also strike men. If you experience symptoms, don't let your gender stop you from getting treatment.

1. Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis in menOsteoporosis reduces the density of bone, making it more vulnerable to fractures. One in three women are at risk, but so are one in five men. Women experience rapid bone loss following menopause, but by 65 to 70 years old, men lose bone mass at about the same rate.

Kidney and thyroid problems, vitamin D deficiency, and prolonged exposure to steroids, cancer therapies, and anti-convulsants put you more at risk. You may not have symptoms, so ask your doctor for a bone density test.

2. Breast Cancer

breast cancer in men

Women get breast cancer more often than men because they have more breast tissue. Although only about one percent of all breast cancers affect men, research shows that incidence is on the rise. Men rarely heed the warning signs, so the cancer is allowed to develop. Therefore, men typically don't survive as long as women once a diagnosis is finally made.

If you're over 50, of African-American descent, or obese, you're more at risk. Watch for any unusual lumps or skin abnormalities in the chest.

3. Thyroid Problems

thyroid diseases in men

The thyroid is a small gland that rests in the middle of the lower neck, where it produces hormones to control metabolism. If it produces too much, hyperthyroidism results. Symptoms include:

weight gain
dry, coarse skin and hair

If the thyroid doesn’t produce enough hormones, hypothyroidism results. Symptoms include:

muscle weakness
sleep disturbances

Women are five to eight times more likely to have some form of thyroid disease than men, but men can still be affected.

4. Eating Disorders.

eating disorders in men

As more men feel the pressure to be thin and look good, more are falling victim to eating disorders. Only 10 to 15 percent of people with anorexia or bulimia are male, but the effects can be equally devastating. Men also are less likely to seek treatment, leaving them more at risk for complications such as:

heart problems
bone loss
organ failure

Athletes, obese boys, men with gender issues, and those who are anxious or have perfectionist personalities are more at risk.

5. Bladder Infections

bladder infection in men

Bladder infections are much more common in women, but men can get them, too— particularly men with an enlarged prostate, kidney stones, or an abnormal narrowing of the urethra. Treatment involves antibiotics and is typically very effective, but men need to be aware of the symptoms.

They include:

-frequent urination
-cloudy urine or bloody urine
-a strong urge to urinate
-a burning or tingling sensation during urination
-low-grade fever

6. Depression

depression and alcoholism in men

Women are two times more likely than men to be diagnosed with depression, but that may be because their symptoms are different. Women may feel sad and cry more often, whereas men are more likely to show anger, irritation, frustration, and discouragement.

Men may turn to drugs or alcohol, or engage in risky behavior. They are also more likely to complete suicide if they try it. Because of these differences, many men go undiagnosed. Without treatment, depression is likely to worsen.

7. Lupus

Lupus erythmatosus in men

About 90 percent of those diagnosed with lupus are women, but this autoimmune disorder can also strike men. Symptoms include:

-joint swelling and pain
-muscle weakness
-extreme fatigue
-unexplained fever
-hair loss
-leg swelling
-eye puffiness
-mouth sores
-swollen glands
-butterfly-shaped red rash across the bridge of the nose and cheeks

The disease is treated similarly in both genders. Your doctor may overlook it because it is rare in men. If you have symptoms, ask for testing.

Stay safe, stay healthy. )