Vitamin- D is "D- lightful "

Vitamin D has been having quite a moment recently on the news, this has something to do with the growing evidence that the "Sunshine Vitamin" helps protect against a wide range of conditions, including cancers.

5 Healthy Foods That Satisfy Salt and Sugar Cravings

Healthy Foods That Satisfy Salt And Sugar Carvings

Mediterranean Diet May Be Good For The Brain

A Mediterranean diet includes higher amounts of olive oil, vegetables, fruit and fish. Higher adherence to the diet involves more consumption of fruit and vegetables and fish, and less consumption of meat and dairy products.

Amazing Health Benefits Of Beer..!

Apart from Beer's bad reputation, surprisingly Beer has several health benefits too, it actually has a lot of antioxidants, apparently more than wine, also several vitamins that can help prevent certain heart diseases and even help in rebuilding muscles, not only that it also has one of the highest energy contents of any food or drink.

Dark Chocolate's benefits are released by the good gut microbes

Dark chocolate has been know for it's good healthy effects, and recently researches have found it's beneficial properties are released in the human body.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Shocking foods that have more fat than a doughnut.

Shocking foods that have more fat than a doughnut

Most people have a negative knee-jerk reaction to the word "fat" — but they shouldn't, as fats promote heart health, keep us feeling full and satisfied, and may even help ward off cognitive decline.
The following foods contain more fat than a glazed doughnut ( which contains 14 grams), but this doesn't mean you should exclude them from your diet , here is why :

Avocado has more fat than doughnut
1) Half an Avocado : each half of an avocado contains 15 grams of fat, but 10 grams of those fats are monounstaturated fats, which improves cholesterol levels, they may also help to prevent belly fat.

peanut butter has more fat than doughnut

2) Two table spoons of peanut butter : two table spoons of peanut butter contains about 16 grams of fat, half of which is monounsaturated fat, also about 4 grams of it is polyunsaturated fat, which helps to reduce type-2 diabetes.

unsweetened dried coconut has more fat than a doughnut

3) 1 Ounce of unsweetened dried coconut : It contains 18 grams of fat which is almost all saturated fat, but according to a new research that suggests there's a place for saturated fats in our healthy diets (and that they may not be as strongly linked to heart disease as previously thought). Since the recommendation is to get no more than 10 percent of your daily calories from saturated fats (and that comes to about 20 grams for an 1,800-calorie diet), you definitely don't want to go overboard with dried coconut—but you can work some into a healthy diet.

3 large eggs has more fat than a doughnut
4) 3 large eggs : you'll get about 14 grams of fats from 3 large eggs, but this fat is equally distributed between saturated, unsaturated and polysaturated fats.
 12 olives have more fat than a doughnut

5) 12 Olives : these contain about 15 grams of fats, out of which majority of fat is monounsaturated.

All the above mentioned foods have more grams of fat, but they have a lot of nutritional benefits that a doughnut doesn't have.

Monday, March 31, 2014

5 Foods that you should keep at work for healthy lunches

5 foods that you should keep at work for healthy lunches
A lot of people happen to skip their lunch because of their tight schedule, back to back meeting, insane work-load, also some people consider skipping lunch as a part of their so called "diet plan". Personally i know a lot of people around me who skip their lunch, or rather settle for a fast unhealthy lunch just to get off with it, But what they don't understand is the importance of lunch.

Lunch is not just food that you consume in order to relief of a growling stomach, apart from this lunch contributes to a solid foundation of good nutrition on continuing basis, it gives you the energy to retain and remain concentrated on your work, having a lunch break influences the level of stress and work load, also having a proper and healthy lunch in regular routine keeps you away from the risk of certain chronic conditions like Ulcer disease of stomach and duodenum.

Now, that i have mentioned the importance of lunch, let me inform you about some of the options that you might consider for your healthy lunch.

1. Whole-Grain Bread
Whole-grain bread
 Now we all know sandwiches are are super easy to make and is a very quick process, a whole-grain bread contains a lot of fibers and the best part is you can put anything you want between the two slices to make a fast and light meal.

2. Nonfat Yogurt :
Nonfat yogurtSome people consider yogurt just as a snack, but if you put in some fruits and nuts to it, you get a highly nutritional rich meal and by keeping it in large containers and consuming it more than normal serving can keep you going till the evening.

3.Canned Tune or Chicken :
Canned tuna and chickenThese products are rich in protein, and since they are already cooked and canned, they make up for a perfect quick and easy meal. Opt for the water-encased packages since those tend to have fewer calories than ones with oil. You can eat it with your whole-grain bread and for flavor can add a little light mayonnaise or mustard.

4. Almond Butter or Almond :

almond butter is good, almond is goodAlmonds are a great source of proteins as well as fats, you can add them in your yogurt or spread almond butter on your bread, but make sure not to snack on the nuts too much as apart from their healthy nutritional benefits, they are also fairly rich in fats.

5.Fruits :

fruits with alomond butter and bread
Now of-course mostly all of us consider fruits as a healthy snack, but using it in a right way can provide you more nutritional benefits, for example, u can add fruits to your yogurt, which will give your yogurt a better taste and texture, or put slices of fruits like Bananas or apples together with almond butter over your bread, which would give a really yummy taste.

#mhealth #digitalhealth #hcsm #hcsmeu #mhealth #healthydiet #healthylunch #healthyfood #health #diet #lunch 

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Dark Chocolate's benefits are released by the good gut microbes.

Benefits of Dark Chocolate
Dark chocolate has been know for it's good healthy effects, and recently researches have found it's beneficial properties are released in the human body.

Scientists at Louisiana State University, who have been studying on the effects of cocoa, have found that it's beneficial compounds are released in body by some of the good microbes present in out stomach.

Good microbes such as  Bifidobacterium and lactic acid bacteria, feast on chocolate i.e when we eat dark chocolate these microbes grow and ferment it releasing compounds which have anti-inflammatory effect.

These anti-inflammatory compounds decrease the cardiovascular tissue inflammation and hence reduce the risk of stroke.

Apart from this Cocoa is also rich in flavanols (naturally occurring antioxidants ) and contain a small amount of dietary fibers.

So, according to researches it is suggested that combining cocoa products with food rich in prebiotics (which can be found in bananas, raw garlic, wheat flour, raw asparagus) would be more beneficial for human health.

#mhealth #digitalhealth #hcsm #hcsmeu #mhealth #darkchocolate #benefits #healthy #anti-oxidant #goodbacterias #antiinflammatory #flavanols #prebiotics #cocoa

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Amazing Health Benefits Of Beer..!

Apart from Beer's bad reputation, surprisingly Beer has several health benefits too, it actually has a lot of antioxidants, apparently more than wine, also several vitamins that can help prevent certain heart diseases and even help in rebuilding muscles, not only that it also has one of the highest energy contents of any food or drink.

Beer consist 93% of water alone, and studies have shown that Beer can provide better hydration than H2O alone when you're sweating in hot summer.

So, does all kinds of beer has these health benefits?
Unfortunately, answer to that will be NO.

When we talk about health benefits from beer, it doesn't mean that light thin watery beer, that basically taste like water is going to do any good for you, No. Of-course calorie-wise you may get tempted to light lager beers, but for health benefits- Dark Beer is the beer of choice.

Why? Because dark beers tend to have the most anti-oxidants, even more than wine, these anti-oxidants helps reverse the cellular damage that naturally occurs in the human body, not only that but dark beer also contains more iron than light beer, which helps improving oxygenation process from our lungs throughout the rest of our body.

You should also keep in mind that Bitter is better, because bitter beer is made of lots of Hops ( female flowers of Hop plant, used in brewing because of their antibacterial property) these hops contains Polyphenols, which help lower cholesterol, fight cancer and kills viruses appart from this hops are know to have a good anti-inflammatory and anti-anxiety effect.

Ofcourse, all this doesn't mean you can grab a  pack of 6 everyday and drink it, No u need to set limits, one beer gets you going, more makes you fat and can put you at a risk of long-term health effects like liver diseases, kidney diseases and certain heart condition.

So, people remember the golden rule- "everything in moderate amount can be good ".
Enjoy life, be healthy :)

#mhealth #digitalhealth #hcsm #hcsmeu #mhealth #Beer #benefits #healthy #anti-oxidant #vitamins #iron #hops #darkbeer

See, also how a glass of wine can keep your depression away