Thursday, March 20, 2014

Amazing Health Benefits Of Beer..!

Apart from Beer's bad reputation, surprisingly Beer has several health benefits too, it actually has a lot of antioxidants, apparently more than wine, also several vitamins that can help prevent certain heart diseases and even help in rebuilding muscles, not only that it also has one of the highest energy contents of any food or drink.

Beer consist 93% of water alone, and studies have shown that Beer can provide better hydration than H2O alone when you're sweating in hot summer.

So, does all kinds of beer has these health benefits?
Unfortunately, answer to that will be NO.

When we talk about health benefits from beer, it doesn't mean that light thin watery beer, that basically taste like water is going to do any good for you, No. Of-course calorie-wise you may get tempted to light lager beers, but for health benefits- Dark Beer is the beer of choice.

Why? Because dark beers tend to have the most anti-oxidants, even more than wine, these anti-oxidants helps reverse the cellular damage that naturally occurs in the human body, not only that but dark beer also contains more iron than light beer, which helps improving oxygenation process from our lungs throughout the rest of our body.

You should also keep in mind that Bitter is better, because bitter beer is made of lots of Hops ( female flowers of Hop plant, used in brewing because of their antibacterial property) these hops contains Polyphenols, which help lower cholesterol, fight cancer and kills viruses appart from this hops are know to have a good anti-inflammatory and anti-anxiety effect.

Ofcourse, all this doesn't mean you can grab a  pack of 6 everyday and drink it, No u need to set limits, one beer gets you going, more makes you fat and can put you at a risk of long-term health effects like liver diseases, kidney diseases and certain heart condition.

So, people remember the golden rule- "everything in moderate amount can be good ".
Enjoy life, be healthy :)

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See, also how a glass of wine can keep your depression away

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