Saturday, August 31, 2013

A glass of wine can help you keep your depression away

Hello reader,

Of-course we all have heard before that drinking red wine in moderate amount is known to be very good for our health since it decreases the risk of heart diseases, But recently the researches have found that drinking red wine can also help to reduce the risk of depression, this article was posted in the BMC medicine journal.

Researches in Spain analysed about 2,683 men and 2,822 women over a 7-year period, the participants in the study were between 55-80 yrs of age, with no history of depression and alcohol-related problems.

The findings of the study showed that those people who drank moderate amounts of alcohol (5- 15 g a day) were less likely to suffer from depression, additionally those who drank a moderate amount of wine on weekly basis( about 2-7 small glasses of wine a week) were found to have even lower risk of depression.

Also, however further findings show that if this amount is increased to more then 7 glasses per week then it can increase the risk of depression. 

So,it's recommended to drink a moderate amount of red wine, not only to reduce the risk of heart diseases but also to over come depression.

Stay sober, be healthy ;)

#mHealth#hcsm#digitalhealth ,#MedEd


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